Friday, February 12, 2010

Poll Results

So it looks like soda is the main culprit for adding extra calories to our diets Did you know that just by watching what we drink, we could probably cut 450 calories a day out of our diets? I even know people who have lost more than 25 pounds just by cutting out soda. We don't want sweetened drinks to be our main fluid intake for the day. Some 20 oz bottles of soda can have as many as 325 calories and 88g of sugar. YIKES!!! Diet soda might not be such a good choice either. There have been studies done that suggest that consuming artificially sweetened drinks may lead to a high preference for sweetness overall. That means cookies, ice cream, candy, etc.

So what should we be drinking? First and foremost, water. You can add flavor to your water just by adding cut-up fruit; Tea is also a great choice. It can help prevent heart disease and cancer. It's calorie free as long as you choose the unsweetened kind; Coffee is also a good choice. Just remember to drink it plain or with a little milk; Milk is also a great option. Low fat milk can help maintain bone and muscle density. I like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning; I sip on water throughout the day; and I include milk at meal times.

Just try to cut back a little each day. Before you know it you'll be well on your way to losing those extra pounds.

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